The burden of proof

“Show me that the Bible says Christians can be nudists”

 “Where does the Bible say going around naked with your friends is acceptable?”

 “Show some scriptures to back up your arguments or else they’re all just rubbish”

These are things I’ve seen Christians who oppose nudism say quite frequently. Whenever someone says that Christians are permitted to be nudists, those who oppose nudism say “Find me some proof texts from the Bible that say that, or else it’s not true”. The problem here is that you can’t use the Bible in such a way to support or oppose many behaviours, nudism included. Rather, behaviours that are not explicitly commanded in the Bible (Evangelizing, helping the poor, meeting with other believers, etc.) do not require proof from the Bible to be practiced. Instead, people must find proof in the Bible that those behaviours are not permitted.

For example, let’s imagine an issue facing the church is “should Christians eat at restaurants”. It would be illogical for anyone to say “Show me Bible verses stating that Christians can eat at restaurants, otherwise it should be considered a sin”. What would be logical is for a person to prove that the Bible forbids Christians to eat at restaurants.

The same thing is true for a host of other activities the Church finds itself in. Should Christians fly on planes? Use computers? Celebrate birthdays? Give gifts at Christmas? Listen to music written by non-Christians? There are thousands upon thousands of things Christians do that are impossible to prove as acceptable from the Bible because the Bible doesn’t ever explicitly say “This behaviour is ok to engage in”.

The same is true of Nudism. If someone believes that the Bible forbids Christians of both genders from engaging in non-sexual social nudity with each other, let that person prove that our lifestyle is wrong. We can engage in civilized debate and figure out if those verses actually prove nudism is sinful, but do not expect us to prove our every action is permitted by the Bible.

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21 Responses to “The burden of proof”

  1. Academic Naturist Says:

    I assume you’ve read the “205 Arguments and Observations In Support of Naturism”? They list quite a few bible references, although many are interpretations. That’s a good starting point for your “proof”.

  2. bierpens Says:

    The bible does state that the children not to see their parents naked …

    The question you should put to yourself is … why do we put Christ before God … Christ himself talked about the one who sent him … who gave us the right to make a religion out of Jesus …

  3. Andy Says:


    Where in the Bible does it state that children should not see their parents naked? If you’re referring to Leviticus 18, most translations agree that those rules relate to sexual relations, not the simple act of seeing a naked relative. I have read the entire Bible and cannot recall a specific commandment not to see one’s parents naked. The closest passage I can think of is the story of Noah and his sons in Genesis 9. His two good sons make a special effort not to see their father naked, but the passage never really explains why. Perhaps it’s because in his drunken state, Noah didn’t realize he would be naked in front of his family.

    If you are caring for an elderly, ill, or injured parent, it can be quite necessary at times to see a parent naked. I hardly think God would object to such a situation in light of His command to honor our parents.


  4. bierpens Says:


    You have stated the obvious … do you need reasons for every rule or law to obey… So its okay to rape because no one has told me why its wrong …

    are you viewing your parents naked because you having fun or because you are their primary care taker … do not hide behind words …

  5. Nudisme – Burden of Proof « Kekkel op die Plaas Says:

    […] van die skakel af gekom na ‘n inskrywing wat ek gemaak het.  Dit is nog ‘n bewys dat Christine enige argument sal aanvoer om hulle optrede te reg verdig en enige geskrewe woord verdraai om hulle […]

  6. bierpens Says:

    Andy … If nudism is OK then so is pornography and since the child is not touched or harmed in any way so is child pornography …

    Your arguments are idiotic …

  7. christiannudist Says:


    First, rape and nudism are very different. The Bible outright forbids rape, under penalty of death, but it does no such thing regarding non-sexual nudity.

    Secondly, ‘are you viewing your parents because you are having fun’ implies you have absolutely no understanding of what nudism is about. Nudism is entirely about non-sexual nudity, about nudity that you are quite specifically not ‘enjoying’. The goal of nudism is to be able to look at other naked people and see them just as people, not as objects of sexual desire. If a family is nudist, then they really aren’t looking at each other lustfully. It may be hard for you to understand because you are not a nudist, but people who live this way actually don’t have perverse thoughts every time they see a nude body.

    Pornography and nudism are also very different. Pornography is the opposite of nudism. Like I said before, nudism is about seeing the human body non-sexually, pornography is about making the human body very sexual. Nudism wants to build up the dignity of the nude human form, pornography wants to tear it down. And child pornography? Children ARE harmed and touched in child porn, but in nudist families they are quite pointedly not touched or harmed. I don’t know where you’re getting your information, but you’ve been badly misinformed about nudism.

    For someone with as many logical fallacies and such poor understanding of the topic you’re arguing against, you shouldn’t be calling the arguments of someone else idiotic, Bierpen. You can continue to debate here, but avoid ad hominem arguments in future posts.

  8. bierpens Says:

    Hehhe… what ever you say … if it is not for fun it is for work …. huh?

    No … you are batling with your arguments … a lady is nude or she is not … artistic impression, porn or nudist …. naked is with out clothes … God did not force us to wear clothes …. Eve chose to brake rules …

    • Andy Says:

      Bierpens, you claimed that the Bible has specific commands regarding nudity. I said fine, show me where. You have produced no Scriptural references to back up your claim. Do you have any?

  9. Bierpens Says:

    You gave the proof … then you started hiding behind words … go nude if you need to but leave the scripture alone… you know what the Bible say … I have had my word … you keep on confusing other Christians … Enjoy yourself … you will find a few sheep that will believe you and many more that will join you …

    • christiannudist Says:

      Bierpens, we have to use the scripture and proper hemeneutical exegesis in order to defend our choice of lifestyle as Biblically acceptable. If other Christians make bad attempts to use the Bible to say we’re not allowed to engage in non-sexual social nudity, then we have to use the Bible properly to show them they’re wrong. The Bible is the ultimate authority on the moral behaviour of Christians, it is where we go to decide if our behaviour is permissable. Christian nudists have gone to the Bible and found nothing that forbids our way of life, so we continue to go nude with each other and will continue to attempt to bring others with us. If you think the Bible forbids us from going nude, please show us some scripture verses and we’ll discuss them.

  10. bierpens Says:

    Please explain to my how is a naked body non sexual … I wish to understand that …

  11. Daniel Says:

    bierpens wants to know how a naked body is non-sexual. I wish to understand this a bit better. Job said “Naked I came into the world and naked I shall return. Is the suggestion that when a baby is born naked the child is automatically an object of sexuality in some way? Likewise, when those preparing the body for burial see the naked dead body, is this an object of sexuality. Do naked babies and naked dead bodies produce a sexual reaction in you?

    The Bible forbids uncovering the nakedness of your child – therefore no parent should ever change diapers. As discussed above, the wording in Hebrew refers to forcibly uncovering (“taking captive” also derives from the same Hebrew word) and would not include diaper changing.

    After 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, did anyone ever take a bath? What was the penalty in Scripture for someone who shed their garments and took a dip in a body of water? None.

    The prophet Isaiah wandered the streets naked for 3 years. What was the penalty for his action? Peter was fishing naked with the other disciples, what was the rebuke he received?

    Scripture is fairly silent on penalties for nakedness. In fact, it allows a person who has only one garment to leave it as a pledge so that he can go work naked and pay back the loan that evening so that he has a garment to sleep in.

    • christiannudist Says:

      Very well said, Daniel. A lot of problems arise when people use English translations of Hebrew phrases without considering what the original language was trying to say, or what sort of logical inconsistencies would arise from certain interpretations. I hope to hear from you again in the future!

  12. Cutie Says:


    […]The burden of proof « Christian Nudist's Blog[…]…

  13. homeclothesfree Says:

    Reblogged this on home clothes free and commented:
    An older post but good

  14. oddbodd13 Says:

    I wonder if you could answer this – does any of the New Testament, whether Jesus’ teachings or the various epistles of the Apostles, mention nudism at all?

    When I was a Christian, my interpretation of the faith was that a person’s behaviour should be governed by the New Testament – Jesus’ teachings superceding whatever was given in the Old Testament. As such, what such books as Leviticus say about nakedness, sexuality, etc, would not be proscribed to my mind – as long as we love thy neighbour, do unto others, etc. It’d be interesting to know how nudism would be interpreted in this context.

  15. peternat Says:

    I am a Christian and a naturist for South Africa. I respect the views of other people. I am clothed in the righteousness of Christ by His grace. Please have a look at my blog and comment.
    Have a blessed year.

  16. peternaturism Says:

    Look at the following and realise it isn’t clothes or nakedness that causes you to sin. Christians can be naturists, the lives we live by grace in the Lord Jesus is what counts. Let the Lord clean the inside and the outside shall be clean too.
    • Mark 7:20-23 And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.
    Have a look a this blog and comment please:


  17. Anonymous Says:

    Jesus talked about the sin of looking upon a woman to lust after her. I could not look at a naked woman without having sexual thoughts, and probably an erection. If you have a nude gathering, Christian or not, there will be males there who are there to get a sexual buzz out of seeing bare female bodies.

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